Balance and Days Late Summary

The top section of the Billing Information screen show the customer's current and past due balance information. The fields shown are:

  • Total Due – total amount due, which includes Total Current and any past due amount(s)
  • Current Balance – amount that is less than 30 days past due
  • 30 Day Bal – amount that is between 30 and 59 days past due
  • 60 Day Bal – amount that is between 60 and 89 days past due
  • 90 Day Bal – amount that is between 90 and 119 days past due
  • 120+ Day Bal – amount that is greater than 120 days past due
  • Days Late or Days Late (Net X) – the number of days that the balance is past due taking into consideration the Adjust Due Date (Days) value from the Invoicing tab
  • Days Aged - the number of days that the balance has aged since the Date of the transaction
  • Last Bill – amount of the last bill
  • Last Paid Amt – amount of the last payment
  • Last Paid Date – date of the last payment
  • Last Check # – check number of last payment, if paid by check
  • First Billing Date - date the customer billed for the first time
  • Last Billing Start Date - start date of the customer's last billing cycle period
  • Last Billing End Date - end date of the customer's last billing cycle period